廖憲一《嶼之吟 III : 跨聲》
Hin-Iat Liu “Hear the Voice from Taiwan III: Sound of Intercultural” for Pipa and Javanese Gamelan
#此作品由台北藝術大學傳統音樂系甘美朗團委託創作之作品 This music is a work commissioned by the TNUA Gamelan Ensemble.
Program Note:
"Hear the Voice from Taiwan" is a series of works that share the characteristics of Taiwanese music culture by integrating different traditional folk music or special musical instruments:
"Hear the Voice from Taiwan III: Sound of Intercultural" is Pipa and Javanese Gamelan, which integrates the characteristics of Taiwanese folk songs into the traditional music culture of Gamelan. The dialogue between the two is like cross-cultural communication. We are learning Indonesian Gamelan, at the same time as traditional music, we also share our traditional music culture. Under the mutual respect and tolerance of each other, the two cultures blend to show a very special effect!
Listen, have you heard that the theme melody is transplanted from Taiwanese folk songs?
The melody of the Taiwanese folk song "桃花過渡" is presented through re-arrangement and changes using the characteristics of Gamelan's music organization, and then closely interacted by the pipa!
2023.4.25 【2023 TNUA Javanese Gamelan 中爪哇甘美朗與舞蹈】
112 高教深耕中爪哇甘美朗大師班成果發表(首演)
地 點:國立臺北藝術大學馬水龍廳 (TNUA Ma Shui Long Hall)
Taipei National University of the Arts Gamelan Ensemble
由每學期選修傳統音樂學系「甘美朗的理論與實技」課程學生組成。此課程始於1985年(原名「東南亞鑼樂合奏」),當時的音樂系主任故馬水龍教授為了開拓學生的視野,特別聘請旅美韓國鐄教授客座教學,並購置臺灣第一套甘美朗,也就是今天演奏使用的巴里島安克隆甘美朗(Gamelan Angklung),並開設甘美朗音樂與世界音樂課程。1993年在韓教授的指導與規劃下,購置中爪哇甘美朗,以充實教學內容。 目前甘美朗課程由李婧慧與梁正一兩位老師指導。
Taipei National University of the Arts Gamelan Ensemble
The Gamelan Ensemble from the National Institute of the Arts (NIA, renamed Taipei National University of the Arts, TNUA, hereinafter TNUA) was founded by Dr. Kuo-Huang Han in 1985 when he was invited by the late Prof. Shui-Long Ma as a guest professor of TNUA. At that time Dr. Han started world music and gamelan courses and assisted the university to purchase the first-ever set of gamelan in Taiwan, a Balinese gamelan angklung, which was the gamelan used for this performance. Later in 1992 Dr. Han was re-invited by TNUA and a Javanese gamelan was added into the collection in 1993. Currently the gamelan ensemble of TNUA is directed by Dr. Ching-Huei Lee and Dr. Jeng-I Liang.